Beldia Hash

Discover the allure of Beldia Hash, an exceptional cannabis concentrate sourced from Morocco's Rif Mountains. This coveted Beldia Sativa strain is a must-buy for both newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts. Its gentle, fleeting effects have won the hearts of many. With a sweet, honey-like scent layered with floral and spicy hints, this hash offers an enchanting sensory adventure. Enjoy a rapid, short-lived high that leaves you clear-headed, elated, and focused. If you crave a brief euphoric journey, Beldia Hash is your ultimate selection. Don't miss out on this rare treasure, especially in regions like Canada, where its uniqueness is cherished. Buy Beldia Hash today!


Property Information
Phenotype Sativa
THC Content 40%+
Consistency Soft consistency, aromatic scent when broken
Grade AAAA
Colour Brown
Effects Clarity, higher level of happiness, better concentration
Terpene Profile Sweet, floral, and spicy accents

Blond Lebanese Hash

Elevate your cannabis experience with this unique strain. Blond Lebanese Hash is celebrated for its potent effects, boasting higher THC levels than most. It induces euphoria and a profound sense of well-being. Users report a delightful escape from life's pressures and stress. This hash engages specific brain receptors, triggering a surge of dopamine linked to pleasure, motivation, and appetite. Prepare for an unparalleled journey that ignites creativity and satisfies the senses. Join those who've discovered the allure of Blond Lebanese Hash , a remarkable variety offering both mental elevation and therapeutic benefits. Try this hash today and unlock a world of blissful possibilities.


Phenotype Hybrid
THC Content 40%+
Consistency Normally Soft
Grade AAAA+
Colour Yellowish
Effects Slightly more cerebral high
Terpene Profile Spicy to very spicy, refreshing smell

Premium Hash Sampler Pack (8gram)

Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $149.00.